Policy documents
Here are some useful policy documents
- Diocesan Guidelines for Licensed Lay Ministry
- Payments to Ministers not in Receipt of a Stipend
- Licences Extended to 75
- When Things go Wrong (Concerns and Complaints Process)
- Flowchart for Concerns and Complaints Process.
Resource documents
- Working Agreement / Role Description Proforma (2023 update)
- Guidance for leading Holy Communion by Extension
Moving from a Licence to a PTO
This process has now been reveiwed and signed off by the bishop, and will now be followed for everyone who reached the maximum age (75) at which they can legally hold a licence from the bishop.
- The process of applying for a PTO at the end of licensed ministry
- LLM PTO Statement of Expectations
- LMM PTO Declarations
- LMM PTO Application Form
Useful links
- The Canons of the Church of England (Section E – on Reader Ministry)
- Central Readers' Council (Reader Website)
- Transforming Ministry (Central Readers' Council shop)
- Common Worship (All services and resources)
- The Church Representation Rules
- Church Urban Fund Look-Up Tool (A quick way to parish statistics)
- The Parish Arc-GIS Map (Key parish information on a map)
- Church Support Hub
- Parish Resources
- Loss and Hope (bereavement resources)
Making your Annual Return
The annual return form is to allow you to reflect upon your ministry over the last year and to consider your plans and priorities for the year ahead. Before completing the form, please read the guidance notes. Please note that all completed forms should be returned to Elaine by 28 February 2024.
You can download all the forms here:
The Holland House Weekend
Information about how to book for 2025 will be coming soon.
If you've never been to a Holland House weekend, then watch this video to find out about one.