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A reflection from Children's Officer, Emma Pettifer for Easter.
A reflection for Holy Week from the Dean of Worcester
This week's reflection comes from Chris Boden, Stewardship and Resources Officer. "Our churches have been and continue to be a light in the darkness."
In this week's video Alison Maddocks, Dean of Smaller Churches, reflects on two penitential questions: Why is this happening? What can we do?
Diocesan Director of Education, Tim Reid offers a reflection this week on how our schools are coping with the ongoing effects of the pandemic. Please also pray for teachers and staff as they educate, support and offer reassurance to pupils in relation to the war in Ukraine.
It is currently Fairtrade Fortnight and Area Dean of Redditch & Bromsgrove, Paul Lawlor reflects on the role we can all play to help ensure workers’ rights, safer working conditions and fairer pay. To find out more, visit: https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/
Did you know that St Valentine was also the patron saint of bee keepers? This week's video reflection comes from Jonathan Kimber.
"We are pilgrims on a journey and companions on the road. We are here to help each other walk the mile and bear the load." In this week's video the Archdeacon of Dudley talks about the upcoming third round of Open Conversations, where churches will be telling stories of how they're trying new things to help their parish thrive. Find out more: www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/about-us/growing-kingdom-people/open-conversations/
In this week's video reflection, Robert Jones talks about Candlemas, HM The Queen's accession and learning from the wisdom of our elders.
David Hoskin, Area Dean for Greater Dudley Deanery, reflects this week on the presentation of Jesus in the Temple.