Video Library

Helen Laird 28 January 2021

Mission Enabler Helen Laird reflects on working with children and families during the pandemic. Helen talks about interactive children's resources the Calling Young Disciples team put together each week, which you can find here:

Doug Chaplin 20 January 2021

A reflection for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, thinking about the experience of two ecumenical pilgrimages, one to the Holy Land, and one to Rome

Nikki Groarke 13 January 2021

This week's reflection comes from the Archdeacon of Dudley. Despite COVID-19, 2021 will be a year of transformation for the diocese.

Rob Jones 6 January 2021

"Today’s feast of the Epiphany is to my mind one of the most wonderful highlights of the whole Christmas event." The Archdeacon of Worcester offers a reflection for Ephiphany.

Anne Batchelor 16 December 2020

This week's reflection comes from Mission Enabler Anne Batchelor. How might you show your love for our schools with small acts of kindness in the new year?

Doug Chaplin 9 December 2020

Discipleship and Lay Training Officer, Doug Chaplin, reflects on the importance of light in our Christmas celebrations. In the second week of Advent, he explores this image of light as a way of looking at our calling.

Alison Maddocks 2 December 2020

Diocesan Stewardship Officer, Alison Maddocks reflects on a different and potentially more meaningful Christmas in 2020.

Bishop Martin 25 November 2020

Bishop Martin encourages the whole diocese to come together in prayer during Advent as we seek to grow as Kingdom People.

John Fitzmaurice 18 November 2020

The Director of Ordinands & Vocation reflects on the second national lockdown and the importance of routine and rituals in our lives.

Peter Atkinson 11 November 2020

On Remembrance Day the Very Revd. Peter Atkinson, dean of Worcester reflects on the world 100 years ago and of the world today.