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This week's video reflection comes from the Archdeacon of Worcester.
The Dean of Worcester reflects this week on the anniversary of the first lockdown.
Director of Education, Margaret James, reflects this week on schools re-opening.
In this week's video reflection, Jonathan Kimber talks about a project from the Church of England, called Living in Love and Faith (LLF). A learning journey about being human, and living in love and faith with each other.
Tomorrow is World Book Day and can you guess which book the Bishop of Dudley might be talking about in this week's video reflection?
Director of Ordinands & Vocation, John Fitzmaurice reflects this week on Lent and lockdown. "Can we, even in the wilderness, listen as God says to us: ‘Be still and know that I am God."
Watch this video to find out where and when the diocesan office will be moving to and why we are moving. This week's video reflection comes from Diocesan Secretary, John Preston.
This week's video reflection comes from Alison Maddocks, newly appointed as Dean of Smaller Churches. "As I take up my work as Dean of Smaller Churches, there is no blueprint for the work. We'll be working it out together. What I know however is that it will be a celebration of all that's good about small Christian communities who meet together as the body of Christ called to bring the Gospel to the people around them."
Mission Enabler Helen Laird reflects on working with children and families during the pandemic. Helen talks about interactive children's resources the Calling Young Disciples team put together each week, which you can find here: www.cofe-worcester.org.uk/interactive-childrens-resources/
A reflection for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, thinking about the experience of two ecumenical pilgrimages, one to the Holy Land, and one to Rome