Web Pages

A New Year message from Bishop Martin

Bishop Martin's New Year message for 2022

Letter from the Bishop of Worcester

A letter from the Bishop of Worcester for April editions of parish Magazines.

'House of Bones' under Bishop John's home featured in a documentary

An award-winning film based on a book written by Bishop John's late wife Denise will get a special screening at Worcester Cathedral to commemorate the 10th anniversary of her death.

Bishop John to take part in the Big Sleep Out

Bishop John will take part in the Worcester Big Sleep Out on Friday night to raise money for St Paul's Hostel, Warriors Community Foundation, and Maggs Day Centre.

Office and housing arrangements for the Bishop of Dudley

Tocoincide with the arrival of Bishop Martin, it has been decided to relocate theBishop of Dudleys office and home.TheBishops office will move to Dudley town centre. This will greatly facilitatethe outward-looking aspects of the Bishops role in the c

Martin's consecration as Bishop of Dudley

Last Tuesday, Martin Gorick officially became thenext Bishop of Dudley after being ordained and consecrated as a bishop by theArchbishop of Canterbury in a special service at Southwark Cathedral.In the service, the Archbishop explained the role ofa b

Bishop's Certificates presented

People from across the Diocese have received a certificate from Bishop John, marking the completion of a course designed to help them relate their Christian faith to their own life and locality.

Bishop Graham's farewell sermon in the Cathedral

I did a calculation last week about howmuch time I have a spent on the M5 in the last five and a bit years. I workedit out as 858 hours, plus or minus a few hours. Thats just over five weeks.Thats five weeks of my life that Im never going to get back

Bishop Graham's address at the Black Country Living Museum

Acts 2.41-47 and Luke10.25-37In recent weeks the most common question that Ive been askedhas been, What will you miss about being bishop of Dudley? So here are my topten things:The warmth of the people.Slow cooked grey paysand bacon.The tell you dire

New Bishop's Adviser for Worship and Liturgy

Doug Chaplin has taken on the role of Bishop’s Adviser for Worship and Liturgy.


Past Cases Review 2 - Letter from Bishop John


MDR 1 - Ministerial Development Review Scheme Guidance


Eucharistic Assistants Letter from Bishop 2017


Information for Bishop's Certificate tutors


Bishop's Certificate Register Sheet


Bishop's Certificate Student's Evaluation


Bishop's Certificate Tutor's Evaluation


Bishop's Certificate Tutor's Expense Claim Form


Greetings to the Partnership


Bishop's Certificate 2021 - 2022 Application

Bishops Certificate 2021 - 2022 Registration Form V1.docx


A Palm Sunday Reflection from Bishop John

The Bishop of Worcester, John Inge, reflects on how different this Palm Sunday is, when even the city of Jerusalem is closed, and the only gates we can open are those of our hearts.

Bishops John and Martin on the Monday of Holy Week

As today would have been the Chrism Eucharist in the Cathedral, Bishop John and Bishop Martin have prepared this video. "It's a great sadness to Bishop Martin and to me that we're not able to be together with you in the cathedral, as we normally would be on this Monday of Holy Week for the Chrism Eucharist."

Video Reflection from Bishop Martin

On the Tuesday of Holy Week, Bishop Martin reflects on the value of taking some time to be at the foot of the cross – to be with Mary Magdalene, Mary, Jesus' own mother, John, the beloved disciple, and, of course, above all, to be there with Jesus, the crucified.

A video reflection from Bishop Martin

The Bishop of Dudley, recalling his own experience of bereavement, reflects on the dark days of Jesus' last week before his crucifixion, and particularly on the character of Judas.

Bishop John reflects on the value of service

This Maundy Thursday, everything is different because of the pandemic. However, across the country the unchanging value of serving our fellow humans is being rediscovered. In response to the COVID-19 crisis, we see so many people stepping up and selflessly serving others. It is the model Jesus gives at his Last Supper, the model the Queen has embodied for so many years, and it is the model we see all around us as so many people, in work – especially in the NHS – and as volunteers, selflessly serve those who are in need.

A reflection from Bishop John on Good Friday

Bishop John reflects on Good Friday outside Worcester Cathedral, a building which has seen hundreds of Good Fridays, but none quite like this one.

A reflection from Bishop Martin on Holy Saturday

Bishop Martin reflects on Holy Saturday, a solemn day when we can stop and be present with Jesus and wait by the tomb.

Easter Eucharist from Worcester Cathedral

A special digital Easter Sunday Eucharist with Bishop John and others.

A video reflection from Bishop John

Bishop John reflects on the strangeness of keeping Holy Week and Easter with locked churches, and yet still finding the light of faith in the darkness

Bishop John reflects on nature

In "Low Week" Bishop John reflects on being forced by the lockdown to slow down and look around

There are 585 pages, 18 documents and 69 videos found for bishop
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