Parish Safeguarding Officers

Contact the Diocesan Safeguarding team

Whether you're a new PSO or a parish in need of one, this page is here to help.

Parish Safeguarding Officers are nominated by the PCC to work alongside them and the incumbent to advise within the Parish on all safeguarding matters. In most cases they will also be the verifier for DBS checks although this role can be taken on separately. 

I am a new PSO

We are a parish needing a PSO

Those who work with children, young people and/or adults who are vulnerable should have a commitment to: 

  • Treat individuals with respect 
  • Recognise and respect their abilities and potential for development 
  • Working in ways that meet and develop the personal, spiritual, social and pastoral needs 
  • Promote their rights to make their own decisions and choices, unless it is unsafe 
  • Ensure their welfare and safety 
  • The promotion of social justice, social responsibility and respect for others 
  • Confidentiality, never passing on personal information, except to the person you are responsible to, unless there are safeguarding issues of concern which must always be reported to the person named above or to the Police or Social Services in an emergency. 


Please remember - if a child or an adult is at immediate risk of significant harm or in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999.

Contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers

If you have safeguarding concerns about the welfare of a child, young person or an adult, please email the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers for advice and support or phone 01905 732800.

If possible, please complete this referral form and attach it to your email – the team will contact you at the earliest opportunity.

Contact the team.

Contact details of Social Services and Police within the Diocese

  • Non-Urgent Police Enquiries - 101 (you will be put through to the appropriate force eg West Mercia or West Midlands)
  • Worcestershire - 01905 822 666 (out of hours 01905 768020)
  • Dudley Area which includes Halesowen, Stourbridge and Brierley Hill – 0300 555 0055 (out of hours 0300 555 8574)
  • Sandwell – 0121 569 2266

Latest Safeguarding News

General Synod Changes in Safeguarding

A statement from Bishop Martin following the changes in safeguarding agreed at this week's General Synod. 
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