Clergy Household support

Clergy Housing team

The Clergy Housing team are the first point of contact for if something happens to one of the vicarages / parsonages that belong to the diocese. Contact the team.

Clergy Holiday Fund

Clergy may be eligible to apply for a grant towards the cost of a holiday.

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Divorce or Partnership dissolution

Clergy and their families are of course human, with fragilities, and not immune from the troubles and challenges of life and relationships. Find support here.

Maternity, paternity, adoption & parental leave

Guidance on maternity, paternity, adoption and shared parental leave and pay and details of further information, support and guidance.

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Support for Spouses

Support for clergy and their families is a priority in our diocese, we can offer resources for professional development, networks for spouses and families, and assistance during difficult times, including financial aid.

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Your growing family

Becoming a parent should be a time of joy, but can also be a worrying time, particularly for clergy who are office holders. We want all clergy to have the confidence that they will be properly supported and able to continue in ministry if they become parents.

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