Parish Volunteer Resources

  • Volunteer Policy Template: A volunteer policy sets out your approach to volunteering. It explains the role of volunteers and how you will treat them.
  • Volunteer Agreement Template: Volunteer agreements help organisations and volunteers know what to expect from each other. They also remind us how to offer a good volunteer experience. Agreements set out what an organisation will offer its volunteers and what it hopes for from them.
  • Guidance on Volunteer expenses: Best practice and policy 
  • Sample Role DescriptionsThese example role descriptions, sourced from various places and formatted into the CofE style, are designed to provide you with a suitable template and format to create role descriptions for your own parish. We would ask you to carefully describe the relevant duties, adding/amending as necessary to match the description to the individual role that is carried out in your local context. If a sample role description is missing and you have a version please share it with us so that we can make it available to others!
  • Support for Safer RecruitmentGuidance on DBS checks and eligibilty, safer recruitment and people managment 
Page last updated: Thursday 12th January 2023 11:01 AM

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