One hundred million tonnes of waste is sent to landfill each year and space is set to run out in a few years. Forty percent of household waste could be composted to save 20% of the UK's methane emissions.
One tonne of recycled paper saves 17 trees, over 77,000 litres of water and enough energy to heat the average home for 6 months.
The amount of water collected by the roof of Worcester Cathedral would be enough to supply 950 people in Ethiopia or 61 in the UK.
Action for PCCs to consider
- Linking in with the local authority domestic waste and recycling programme (legislation allows places of worship to be included in domestic collections.
- Ways of reducing paper use
- Use recycled paper and envelopes
- Providing collection facilities for recycling
- Setting policies on waste reduction and recycling for groups hiring premises
- Water collection butts
- Reduce water use e.g. cistern displacement device for pre-2001 toilets. See for more suggestions
- Regular jumble or second-hand sales
Actions for individuals to consider
- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle at home, school or work
- Water collection butts for watering the garden
- Buy water efficient devices and appliances when replacements are needed
What the strategy says about Waste and Water
Turn to page 12 in the Diocesan Environmental Stategy document.