
Diocesan events and training are displayed here. This calendar will also display events submitted from parishes across the Diocese and occasionally third party events where we believe there might be a wider interest. For these events, please contact the event organiser to be sure of whether the event you are expecting to attend is still planning to go ahead.


November 2023
January 2024
Parish, community event
Talk, seminar, lecture
Wednesday, 26 March
7:30pm - 9:00pm
Climate Justice & Discipleship - Lent Group (in person)
Members of the Diocesan Climate Crisis group are offering a chance for people across the Diocese to join a Lent group on Climate Justice and Discipleship which is being produced for the Diocese of London.
Education and Schools
Thursday, 27 March
10:00am - 12:30pm
DBE: Christian Teaching & Learning about Identity, Sexuality
Christian Teaching and Learning about Identity, Sexuality, Relationships and Marriage. This session enables delegates to explore the guidance and tools given to church schools in two Church of England publications, Valuing All God’s Children (2019) and Mental Health and Wellbeing: A Whole School Approach (2018).
Talk, seminar, lecture
Thursday, 27 March
1:45pm - 2:45pm
Climate Justice & Discipleship - Lent Group (online)
Members of the Diocesan Climate Crisis group are offering a chance for people across the Diocese to join a Lent group on Climate Justice and Discipleship which is being produced for the Diocese of London.
Monday, 31 March
10:00am - 11:00am
Contemplative Worship at All Saints, Evesham
You are invited to come along to sit with others in silent prayer, for ourselves and for our neighbours near and far.
Finance and Administration
Monday, 31 March
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Broadstone Investment Advice Meeting
Working with the Worcester DBF, Broadstone will be offering a presentation and training to those PCCs who have endowment funds valued at over £100,000, ensuring that PCC members are aware of their legal obligations under the Charity Commission guidance CC14: Investing Charity Money.
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