Leading and Working with Millennials

Date and Time :
24th March 2021 - 7:15pm - 9:00pm

Growing up in the 90s and the 00s, the millennial generation were immersed in the digital revolution. Often, it’s commented that the church isn’t a place where this generation is visible. While they may not occupy the pews on a Sunday, their presence can be felt on the fringes of Church, attending things like messy church with their children and also attending Church online. But as this generation yearns for spiritual nourishment and exploration it’s important for churches to understand how they think and behave, how to lead them and also be led by them.

Anyone interested is welcome to join this online session, which will include input from millennials leaders, leaders working with millennials and those being led by millennials, hosted by Diocese of Worcester Mission Enabler Adam Legge.

Please book by the end of Wed Feb 10, after which date any spaces will be offered beyond the diocese.

Tickets: https://bit.ly/3ozxS6I

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