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Useful links

For most of the areas of work listed here, and several that aren't, you will find thoughtful material and useful links on the Church of England's main website.

On this page you will find links for some of the areas with which the church is engaged, whether locally or globally. This is not an exhaustive list. The links are offered as a starter for your own research, and the pages or organisations linked to should offer you further possibilities to explore. Topics and links are presented in alphabetical order.

We believe that these links are to reputable organisations and reliable information, but as with all research, you will need to make your own assessment of the accuracy and reliability of the information you find.

If you are new to research on the internet, or want to hone your existing skills, you may find it helpful to look at the Virtual Training Suite tutorials. If you use the "go to page" widget at the foot of the page to jump straight to page 8, you will find (among other topics) religious studies, social policy and social statistics.

Useful links

Criminal justice

Churches Criminal Justice Forum
The Churches' Criminal Justice Forum (CCJF) was set up in 2001 and is a network of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland. The primary purpose of the CCJF is to uphold Christian values in the field of criminal justice.
Howard League for Penal Reform
The best known charity campaigning for a fresh approach to prisons says of itself that it is "working for less crime, safer communities and fewer people in prison"
Victim Support
Victim Support offers both practical and emotional support to the victims of crime

Environment and ecology

A Rocha
A Rocha is an international Christian organisation working in in scientific research, environmental education and community-based conservation projects. They also have a site dedicated to resources for teaching and learning in church.
Christian Ecology Link
The CEL has a twofold aim: (1) to offer insights into ecology and the environment to Christian people and churches, and (2) to offer Christian insights to the Green movement.
John Ray Initiative
The vision of The John Ray Initiative (JRI) is to bring together scientific and Christian understandings of the environment

Health and wellbeing

Health Care Chaplaincy
One of the most significant ways the churches engage with health care is through the work of dedicated chaplains, paid and voluntary. This site describes aspects of the work.
Leveson Centre
Part of the Foundation of Lady Katherine Leveson in Solihull, the Leveson Centre focuses on issues of care and well-being around growing old.
Mental Health Foundation
It's work covers children, adults of working age, people in later life and public mental health. The website gives access to a range of reports, legislation and statistics.
Parish Nursing
Parish Nursing is all about supporting people and communities towards whole person healthcare. It can happen through a local church of any denomination.

Housing and homelessness

Church Housing Trust
Church Housing Trust takes positive action to provide better facilities, opportunities and futures for homeless people, and promotes a wider national understanding of the difficulties faced by those in housing need.
Housing Justice
Housing Justice is the national voice of Christian action in the field of housing. They believe that human dignity is challenged by the lack of decent housing.
Shelter is a charity that works to alleviate the distress caused by homelessness and bad housing. It gives advice, information and advocacy to people in housing need, and campaigns for lasting political change.

Poverty and deprivation

Christians Against Poverty
This is a service delivered through local centres aimed at helping individuals and families with debt problems. It works at helping people towards responsible money management.
Church Action on Poverty
This is a national ecumenical Christian social justice charity, committed to tackling poverty in the UK, addressing the structural causes of poverty at every level of society, and closing the gap between rich and poor.
The Church Urban Fund
The Church Urban Fund is the Church of England's main nationwide response to poverty in England. Among its many useful resources is this tool for checking poverty and deprivation where you live.

Strong, diverse and hospitable communities

Centre for Equality and Diversity
Working across the Metopolitan Borough of Dudley, CfED operates a free information and advice service in the Borough.
Churches' Racial Justice Network
The Churches' Racial Justice Network works for racial justice across Britain and Ireland. It aims to make a real difference in the Christian community and beyond by raising awareness, encouraging effective working together and facilitating imaginative local initiatives.
Committee for Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns (CMEAC)
CMEAC works to encourage and engage participation from the Church's Minority Ethnic populations at every level. CMEAC is the primary point of contact for advice and resources regarding ethnic difference and marginalisation, advocacy, and racial justice.
Dudley Borough Interfaith Network
Dudley Borough Interfaith Network works to build relationships and understanding between people of all faiths and none, and to support faith communities in acting together for the benefit of the whole community.
Presence and Engagement
Presence and Engagement is the Church of England’s national programme equipping Christians for mission and ministry in the wonderful diversity of our multi faith society.
Three Faiths Forum (3FF)
3FF builds understanding and lasting relationships between people of all faiths and beliefs. They run education, engagement and action programmes that bring diverse communities together.
Page last updated: Thursday 30th April 2020 9:07 AM
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