Safeguarding Policies and Parish Resources

In this section you will find Safeguarding policies, gudiance and resources. Click on the headings below to view these links and downloads, or use the search option below. If you can't find what you are looking for, please do get in touch.

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Parish Safeguarding Policy template

Download a Parish Safeguarding Policy template

Safe Spaces Poster 1 (male with tear-off strips)

Safe Spaces poster for display with tear-off strips containing the Safe Spaces phone number.

Safe Spaces Poster 2 (female with tear-off strips)

Safe Spaces poster for display with tear-off strips containing the Safe Spaces phone number.

Safe Spaces Poster 3 with QR Code

Safe Spaces poster for display with QR code.

Model Consent Form - Transport

Form for passenger consent when being transported in private vehicles on behalf of the PCC.

Fact Sheet - Sexting

Information on sexting (youth produced sexual imagery) and how to respond.

Model Release Form - Photography

Consent form for photographing or recording individuals.

Privacy Notice to Accompany the Model Release Form - Photography

This privacy notice accompanies the model release form (photography).

Model Activity Risk Assessment Template

Template for risk assessing church activities which can be amended as needed.

Model Parish Recording Template

Template form for recording concerns or disclosures.

Model Parish Safeguarding Checklist

Checklist for parishes to ensure safeguarding requirements are being met.

Personal Risk Assessment Tool

Flowchart to help assess level of personal risk when undertaking church activities.

Model Registration Form - Activities & Trips

Template registration form for activities or trips involving children or vulnerable adults.

Model Risk Assessment Template - Home Visiting

A template risk assessment form for those visiting people in their homes.

Model Volunteer Driver Agreement

Template agreement for volunteer drivers to complete before driving children or vulnerable adults on behalf of the church or PCC.

Template 'Who's Who' Sheet for Parish Use

Template to record key contacts for safeguarding in the parish.

Model Agreement Form for Hire of Church Premises

A template form that can be provided to those hiring church premises externally ensuring they comply with safeguarding requirements.

APCM Guidance

The PCC’s annual report must report on safeguarding, here are some guidance notes.

What should a safeguarding notice board display in your parish premises?

Download templates and posters to display within your church.

Safeguarding Dashboard Resources

Information about how to access and use the Safeguarding Dashboard
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