Director / Trustee of DoWMAT

Created: 16th April 2024 at 15:36


Volunteer Opportunties


The Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DoWMAT) is seeking to appoint new Directors/ Trustees.

Job description:

DoWMAT is an Academy Trust comprising 16 church schools in the Diocese of Worcester.

While each school has a Local Academy Board, overall responsibility for governance rests with the DoWMAT Board of Directors / Trustees.

Our ambition is to ensure an outstanding education and start in life for every one of our pupils, enhanced by our Christian ethos. We work together collaboratively to secure even better outcomes for our pupils and staff whilst maximising resources and revenue opportunities across the Trust.

Application forms and details from:

Please contact the Chair of the Board, Hugh Richards

Contact phone number:

07831 533483

Closing date:

1st January, 2027 at 00:00

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