Diocesan Finance Volunteers

Created: 16th April 2024 at 14:45


Volunteer Opportunties


The Diocesan Board of Finance (DBF) stewards the diocesan finances and has an annual budget of just under £9 million, and assets of around £80 million. We’re looking for people to help us strengthen our financial governance and review how


Voluntary position.


See above.

Job description:

Audit, Risk and Challenge Committee 

This committee does what it says! It meets to provide challenge to the WDBF’s risk management processes, meets with the external auditor and discusses matters in relation to the financial audit, and provides challenge to a variety of matters on an ad-hoc basis to ensure that plans are robust. 

How much time? Three meetings a year. 

What skills are required? We’re looking for people who are able to ask good questions and provide challenge to our risk management processes. Experience may include audit, financial skills, charity governance or more general strategic/senior management experience.

Finance and Resources Committee

Whilst ultimate responsibility for financial matters lies with the Bishop’s Council of Trustees, the Finance and Resources Committee is the body which provides the focused governance, scrutiny and consideration of financial and governance issues. It also considers HR matters for the DBF, investment management issues, the operation of the glebe portfolio of agricultural land and oversees the management of our vicarages.

How much time? The Committee meets five times a year: four evening and one afternoon meetings. Papers for the meetings come out a week in advance.

What skills are required? We’re looking for people with some of the following skills:

  • Financial skills, especially in relation to charities and the C of E.
  • Strategic thinking and experience of senior leadership roles
  • Governance expertise
  • Human Resources expertise
  • Property – land management, housing management It would be helpful if you have some understanding of the Church of England.

Application forms and details from:

To apply for either of the above please send a letter expressing your interest to Sarah Powell, Director of Finance.

Contact phone number:

01905 732804

Contact address:

16 Lowesmoor Wharf, Worcester, WR1 2RS

Closing date:

1st January, 2027 at 00:00

Diversity statement:

The Church of England is for everyone, and it is a priority for us to reflect the diversity of the community the Church serves across the whole diocese. We welcome all applications from interested and suitably qualified people, and particularly welcome a

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