Guidance for CofE schools in the Diocese of Worcester
Any school considering academisation must contact the Diocesan Director of Education to discuss the process. For any school to academise the Diocesan Board of Education must first provide consent ensuring that the school is adhering to the agreed Diocesan Academy Policy and Academy Strategy.
- The Diocesan Board of Education (DBE) aligns itself with the Church of England "Model Articles of Association" and "Memorandum of Understanding" to guide all church schools in relation to the process of academisation.
- The DBE has an approved Academy Policy and Academy Strategy which will help guide schools on their options and Diocesan process when considering academisation.
- The DBE has approved an Application Form for any school applying to the DBE for academy conversion.
In line with the Diocesan Strategy the two Diocesan Multi-Academy Trusts should be considered before exploring alternative MATs.
Further information regarding the two Diocesan Multi-Academy Trusts can be found on their websites:
- Diocese of Worcester Multi-Academy Trust (DoWMAT) website
- Elements Diocesan Learning Trust (For schools in the Metropolitan Borough of Dudley) website
Information and guidance for schools considering converting to an academy can be accessed using the documents under the section titled 'Related attachments'.
For all Church schools considering academy conversion, please contact Nadia Underwood (Executive Officer), to set up a meeting with the Director of Education to discuss the current academisation options open to schools.
Nadia Underwood can be contacted on 01905 730733 or by email.
Related attachments
- Memorandum of Understanding between the National Society and DfE
- DfE Trust Quality Descriptors
- Diocese of Worcester Academisation Application Schools Form
- Diocese of Worcester Academisation Application Trust Form
- Diocese of Worcester Board of Education Academisation Policy 2025-2026
- Diocese of Worcester Board of Education Academisation Strategy 2025-2026
- Members' Agreement
- Diocese of Worcester Trust Monitoring Protocol 2023-2024
- Role Description of an Academy Foundation Member
- Role Description of an Academy Foundation Director/Trustee