Parishes in Vacancy (or soon to be!)

What happens when the Vicar leaves, a guide for Churchwardens and PCC Members.

You will be reading this most likely because your Vicar (or Rector or Priest in Charge) has either just left or has announced their intention to leave.


It is the churchwardens’ responsibility to ensure that the incumbent’s safeguarding roles and responsibilities are fulfilled during a period of vacancy, in consultation with the PCC, Parish Safeguarding Officer and Area Dean. During a vacancy the PCC must, working with the churchwardens, ensure that all information about safeguarding matters is securely stored before passing the information on to the new incumbent. The departing incumbent must give the safeguarding information to the parish safeguarding officer who can pass the information on to the new incumbent when he/she takes up his new role. 

More information can be found in the Church of England's Key Roles and Responsibilities of Church Office Holders and Bodies Practice Guidance. Please contact your Area Dean for support with this. 

Parish Finances during a vacancy

During a vacancy, most aspects of your parish’s finances will remain unchanged. However, there may be additional costs as retired or non-stipendiary clergy cover your services, and you may wonder why your Ministry Share request has not decreased.


Patterns of Service during clergy vacancies

Patterns of Service during clergy vacancies and guidance for churchwardens and PCCs.

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