Healing Ministry news, resources & initiatives

On this page you will find news, resources and initiatives to inspire and inform Christian healing ministry in our churches 

Servies of healing and wholeness at Malvern Priory

Poster for the service of healing and wholeness featuring a hand holding a lit candle.Malvern Priory is now in its third year of running Healing and Wholeness services on the first Sundays of March, June and September at 6.30pm, with mostly around 20-30 attending.  In each service there is an opportunity for personal prayer & meditation, and prayer stations are also available. People are encouraged to come and seek with confidence God's healing peace for themselves or for others. Chris Boulton from the Priory writes about these services:

'There seems to be a real need as many come up to the prayer stations, while others are content to sit and pray/meditate quietly by themselves with some gentle background piano playing. One particularly encouraging outcome is that it is a service to which members of the Priory have felt comfortable to bring others who don’t normally attend church, but who are seeking comfort for specific issues in their lives.  Praise God!'.

Luigi GioiaPraying for Healing

A podcast with an inspiring conversation between Gillian and Anglican priest, Father Luigi Gioia. This is a rich and profound episode where they go deep into lived experience and the reality of what it means to pray for healing. Listen here.

Healing Prayer – central to the work of the Kingdom or niche ministry?

An introduction to prayer ministry on 21 June, 10am - 12.30pm with an option for people to bring a packed lunch and experience prayer ministry if they would like this, to 2pm at St George's Church, Kidderminster

Information on how to book to follow

Harnhill Centre of Christian Healing, near Cirencester, GloucestershireHarnhill Centre logo

This is an excellent resource for individuals seeking healing. The Centre also offers Prayer Ministry Training Days.

‘The Ministry of Healing within the Local Church’ - Saturday 11 October 10am to 4pm

This day is ideal for Healing Ministry groups and individuals with an interest in the healing ministry. The course will include the ‘health’ of the prayer minister, practical advice for prayer ministry and an opportunity for prayer ministry practice. £45 – Tea and coffee provided, please bring a packed lunch.

For contact and full programme information www.harnhillcentre.org.uk/

Page last updated: Monday 10th March 2025 7:11 PM
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