Guidance and helpful resources

Church of England

Guidance and advice on the day-to-day maintenance of your church and on how to go about making changes to your building.

How to take good care of the trees in your churchyard

Guidance on seating

Guidance on heating


Caring for God's Acre

How to protect and enhance burial grounds as havens of heritage and wildlife


Historic England

Installing Heat Pumps in Historic Buildings


Church Building Project Management

Crossing the Threshold Toolkit -

Advice and guidance on all aspects of undertaking church projects including fundraising. This all-new toolkit is a free resource available to anyone to download. It breaks down projects into three key stages:

- Preparing the Ground
- Looking at Your Options
- Delivering Your Project

With numerous case studies, top tips and end-of-chapter checklists, as well as advice from experts in their fields, and with input and expertise from a range of national church organisations, this practical document draws upon the lessons learned from recent church projects of all denominations across the UK.

Mission & Mortar Toolkit -

Are you looking for ways of increasing the use of your church buildings, to respond to changing times and in response to new forms of mission? Every church and parish is unique, and if you have aspirations to better use your church building for mission in your community, there's probably already resources out there to help you but finding them isn’t easy – and nor is knowing where to start. The Mission and Mortar toolkit will point you in the right direction.

Historic Religious Buildings Alliance -

HRBA brings together those working for a secure future for historic religious buildings. Their e-newsletter is free and is sent out once a month and is packed with important and useful information to keep you informed about the future of historic religious buildings, government policies and funding opportunities. They also have a page with a comprehensive list of resources.


Volunteers and fundraising resources

Volunteers’ Project and Resources Toolkit (Diocese of Lincoln) - guidance for those who want to embark upon a church building project


Maintenance Matters

Maintenance Matters Q1 January - March 2025

Maintenance Matters Toolkit -

The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings has run two projects that champion volunteer-led maintenance in places of worship: Faith in Maintenance and the Maintenance Co-operatives Project. Volunteers looking for information on how to care for their community's faith building can use their Maintenance Checklist for Places of Worship, a joint project between the SPAB, the National Churches Trust and Historic England. The checklist is divided into five categories to facilitate maintenance checks: roofs, rainwater goods, exteriors, interiors and building services. There are video guides that will guide volunteers through their maintenance checks.



Page last updated: Thursday 13th March 2025 11:57 AM

Upcoming events and training this month

Contact the Team

The Diocesan Church Buildings Team seeks to support parishes in caring for buildings and can offer advice and assistance on a wide range of topics. They also operate the systems of permission to make changes to churches, known as Faculty Jurisdiction.

If you can’t find the guidance that you are looking for on the site then do contact the team by email or phone 01905 732809.

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