John Fitzmaurice (3 April 2024)

Category: Weekly Reflections

With Vocations Sunday coming up later this month, John Fitzmaurice, Director of Ordinands & Vocation, reflects on the challenges the church faces with the reduced numbers offering themselves for ordained ministry, and many parishes struggling to find lay people to fulfil important roles. Are you someone, or do you know someone who yearns for a deep knowledge of God and a deep knowledge of the world and an ability to unite the two? There are a number of people within the Diocese who can help you work out what God might be calling you to be and do. This could be your vicar or another member of your church leadership team or community. It could be friends, family, or co-workers. It might be a member of the Mission and Ministry team, especially if you feel called towards formal ministry. Or you might find a spiritual director helpful, and the diocesan Spirituality Connexions group can help you to find one.

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