Public Witness

In our worship, preaching and teaching we bear witness Sunday by Sunday to the need for transformation of our lives, the life of our community and our society, and this must include the transformations needed for a just and secure future for our world. But we can bear witness in other ways, becoming catalysts for change, raising awareness on environment and climate justice issues, joining with and encouraging others in public events of witness, celebration and lament. 

Climate Emergency Toolkit

Step by step, the Climate Emergency Toolkit provides a route map to help all members of your church or Christian organisation respond to the climate emergency with simple but powerful actions that will have an impact far beyond your own walls.

Church of England - Why should you act?

Becoming an environmentally aware church is so much more than looking after your building in an efficient way. This journey affects every aspect of your life as a church. It’s about holistic mission. Read more.

Christian Aid Climate Justice

The climate crisis disproportionately impacts black and brown communities the most. Yet they have done the least to cause the problem. For justice to occur we must act in a way that addresses the racial injustice at the heart of the climate crisis. Read more.

Page last updated: Tuesday 7th January 2025 9:19 PM
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