Eco Churchyards

Many of our churchyards are very ancient, some Yew Trees providing evidence that they were pagan sites pre-dating even our earliest churches. Some of these churchyards represent the best examples of semi-natural grassland we have in the country, being rich in plant and animal species (or biodiversity). How we manage them impacts on that biodiversity.

Action for PCCs to consider

Establish what habitats and plant and animal species already exist in the churchyard and draw up a management plan for different areas. Things that can be done to make the churchyard more wildlife friendly include:

  • leave some areas unmown
  • avoid using weed-killers and pesticides
  • introducing nest boxes and feeding stations for birds
  • encourage insects and hedgehogs by leaving piles of leaves and rotting logs
  • introduce beneficial plants e.g. berry-bearing trees for birds, flowers for bees, moths and butterflies
  • Encourage or introduce native plant species
  • Create areas of beauty for enjoyment, contemplation and prayer. Place a seat or bench in a quiet place in the churchyard

For more information go to Caring for God's Acre.

Page last updated: Wednesday 8th January 2025 8:44 PM
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