We put on a range of training and events in the Diocese of Worcester.
Download the latest Training & Events Programme (.PDF)
Training and Support Hub
The Training and Support Hub is a way of organising our training material, and identifying where we need new material to support local leadership in our parishes. You can do a single session or multiple sessions from our training programme, as and when you want or need to do them.
Our training offer aims to support and equip people to lead in parish life and mission where they are. There are 4 strands:
- Ministry and Leadership
- Buildings and Churchyards
- Governance and Compliance
- Finance and Administration
These feature practical support, creative ideas, and stimulating discussion on many aspects of church life and the Christian faith. Unless stated otherwise, these events are open to all in the Diocese of Worcester.
We also have a strand we call "Enrichment" which is about growing in Christian Faith and Life, which aims to supplement parish discipleship and learning programmes with interesting topics for reflection and discussion.
For any administrative queries, unless otherwise advised, please contact Ruth Donaldson.
Below are all the upcoming training and events for the next 30 days listed in six categories. To view future events view the calendar (you can filter events by clicking the "Training" category in the dropdown list).
You can also sign up to our monthly Training email which lists all upcoming events. Click here to sign up. By signing up you will also recieve the Diocesan mailing, which is sent out every two weeks and also includes news and events from around the diocese.