Environment and Climate Action

The Diocese is committed to caring for creation as a fundamental part of our mission.

We are doing this by committing to being eco-churches, by reducing radically our carbon footprint and seeking to become net-zero by 2030, and by bearing public witness to the gospel's imperative to safeguard God’s creation and seeking a more just world.  The widespread destruction of the natural world is a crisis for creation, the rapid changes in climate are already impacting us, but most severely the poorest nations who bear least responsibility for causing the crisis. 

This is not an optional extra but an integral part of our calling to be Kingdom People.  As our strategy says:  "We cannot credibly worship the creator God while allowing His creation to be abused; the Gospel cannot be credibly proclaimed if we ignore the destruction of our world; and we cannot be credible agents of God's rule if we do not put our own house in order and play our part in slowing, mitigating and preventing such destruction.  How we live in this world, how we exercise our responsibilities to the natural world, how we act justly for the poorest and most vulnerable, are matters central to our missional calling to be Kingdom People.  Only by careful, and sacrificial, attention to such matters can we truly share hope and the love of Jesus."

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