Generosity: teaching giving in testing times

Date and Time :
17th March 2021 - 2:00pm - 4:30pm

with Rev’d Dr Sam Wells

This is a study day for clergy of the dioceses of Hereford and Worcester.

In order to combat zoom fatigue, it is split over two half days. Rev’d Dr Sam Wells will offer the keynote address in the first session and join us live for a Q&A in the second one. (Sam is a gifted preacher, pastor, writer, broadcaster, theologian and inspirational founder of the HeartEdge movement. Since 2012, he has been the vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, London.) We will also be joined by the new National Generous Giving Training Manager, Rev’d Martha Weatherill.

Many of us find it challenging, for understandable reasons, to teach our congregations about generosity. This year, more than ever, it has taken on a new complexity. These two half days offer a chance to:

  • Benefit from speakers to help us reflect on good theology to underpin good practice, and
  • Explore together what might help to overcome the difficulties experienced, leading to
  • Discover practical ways to include this area regularly in the rhythms of our churches.


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