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DBE: SIAMS Self-Evaluation - Support in writing your SEF
SIAMS inspection works on the expectation that schools will carry out ongoing self-evaluation of their effectiveness as a church school and that this evaluation will feed into the School Development Plan. Whilst schools are free to use any system they wish for self-evaluation, this session offers school leaders a format closely linked to the SIAMS Framework 2023.
The session will include input on principles of good self-evaluation and time for schools to work on their own self-evaluation with support from the course facilitator.
It is particularly effective for schools to send two or more representatives to this course. This moduleruns in conjunction with SIAMS Self-Evaluation - Getting ready for your SIAMS inspection, although attendance at both is not mandatory.
Please bring a charged laptop with any SIAMS Self-Evaluation you have already completed.
Suitable for Governors.
Location: Lowesmoor Diocesan Office