Mothers’ Union Wave of Prayer 12-14th March

12th March
Worcester Diocese MU annual Wave of Prayer from 12 - 14th March. The Mothers Union Worldwide pray for Worcester members and our Worldwide links of Episcopal Church of the Philippines – We give thanks for our Diocesan Link , Delia Laus, the Board of Trustees, Deanery and Branch Officers and all our sisters. They are particularly concerned with violence against women and girls and human trafficking and are working with local government, other NGOs and faith-based organisations. The work to engage younger women in the work of educating and supporting those involved in gender-based violence. Delia asks for prayers especially for the people in Palawan who have been affected by the typhoon Odette. She gives thanks that the Mothers’ Union has organised fundraising for the churches that have been destroyed in spite of the pandemic. She says “God is good and it is amazing how women work together.” Port Elizabeth – We give thanks for our link, Veronica Kalbe, their new President. We are asked to give thanks for their former President and Board of Trustees who have all died of Covid 19. Veronica has asked us to pray that the members of the Board will be a blessing to all their members and she especially would ask for the Holy Spirit to guide them as they take part in an Executive Retreat. West Ankole- We give thanks for our link Maama Joy Twinomujuni and all our members there. Ekiti-Kwara , Nigeria- We have been asked to pray for their programmes aiming at reducing domestic violence. Nomadic Mission . They need our prayers to help them find ways of breaking free from dependency and the wisdom and courage to find ways to solve issues such as finance.
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