Joint Councils Workshop

Date and Time :
26th March 2025 - 10:00am - 1:00pm

If you are part of a multi parish benefice it is important that you are giving consideration to the benefits of forming a Joint Council to reduce the burden of governance and administration and lighten the workload of parish officers and incumbents.  Even if you think this is not for you, you are warmly encouraged to come along and explore with others if your feeling is right.  There is the potential to reduce the number of PCCs operating in the diocese by up to 100.  Just imagine the time, energy and resources that could be saved, all without the loss of a single church.

This workshop is for anyone interested in learning more or looking for help to move towards implementing a Joint Council.  The Workshop will be run by Alison Maddocks, Dean of Smaller Churches and Chris Boden, Parishes Resources Officer.

Detailed joining instructions will be sent out closer to the date.


To book your place, please complete the online form by clicking here.

Worcester, Diocesan Office
16 Lowesmoor Wharf
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