Living in Love and Faith - All you need to know

Date and Time :
10th July 2021 - 10:00am

Are you wondering how to get involved in the Living in Love and Faith learning journey? Or perhaps you’re thinking of running a course in the Autumn and want to see what the materials include.

LLF - All you need to know is your one stop shop to find out about this important Church of England project around identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.

The morning session (10am – 12.30pm) on 10 July will include:

  • An overview of LLF –why, what, how and when
  • a taster of the materials, including sections of the course videos
  • addressing anxieties
  • hearing from people who have done the course
  • planning practicalities - how best to engage in your context

You can sign up on Eventbrite.

Why get involved?

Living in Love and Faith is a chance for us to have open thinking and discussion in the important areas of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage, which some in our churches might not have had the chance to explore.

It’s also a chance for greater understanding of why Christians hold different perspectives in this area and why other committed Christians might genuinely see things differently to your own view.

We hope that most benefices and parishes (that haven’t yet had a chance to engage with LLF) will send at least one or two people, who can then help your benefice consider how best to engage with LLF. You can run the course any time over the next few years, but if you do it before January 2022 then you have a chance to offer your feedback as part of discerning the way forwards for the church.

Group leaders briefing

For those who wish to stay on, there is also an optional afternoon session from 1.30pm – 3.30pm to brief group leaders. Because the subject matter is personal and sensitive, we strongly encourage this extra facilitation skills preparation for those who will, or might, lead LLF discussions.

Diocesan LLF Advocate, Jonathan Kimber said:

“LLF’s approach enables good, safe brave conversation. Engaging during the Autumn gives an opportunity to offer your feedback as part of discerning the way forwards for our church. Please consider who might attend on July 10 from your context and book via the link below.”

Register for these sessions on Eventbrite.


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