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Lunchtime Learning - Praying with the Ash Wednesday Collect
Leader: Stephen Edwards
This term we are exploring the spirituality of classic prayers, and how they might help us pray today. In the second of our series, the Dean of Worcester will reflect on one of the best known collects of the Anglican tradition.
Many Anglicans used to learn some collects by heart, and as a prayer that used to be prayed every day in Lent, the Collect for Ash Wednesday was one of those most likely to be learnt by heart and widely known. As we prepare for the start of Lent in a fortnight’s time, this collect helps us think about how we might pray and see ourselves before God at this time. A copy of the prayer will be sent out with the Zoom link.
Stephen Edwards is the Dean of Worcester, an enthusiast for church architecture, and the proud owner of a dog called Jorja.