Briefing for Living in Love and Faith (LLF) Group Leaders

Date and Time :
25th March 2021 - 2:00pm - 4:00pm

To enable group leaders within our churches to have safe and brave conversations around Living in Love and Faith (LLF)

About this Event

(This event is being repeated several times in 2021)

Living in Love and Faith (LLF) is a major 'learning journey' project for the Church of England. At the heart of the project is a five session course. This event is for those planning to lead (or considering leading) a group of people in engaging with the course. This will normally be as part of the life of a local church, or in partnership between churches.

The event will include:

  • Refresher training on group facilitation skills (we will assume that participants come with a reasonable level of experience and skills in this area)
  • Preparing for some of the potential challenges of leading an LLF discussion group

Who is this event for?:

We encourage LLF group leaders to attend one of these events before embarking on the course. The other dates planned are:

We also have a diocesan team of trained LLF Companions, one of whom will be very happy to accompany you, as needed and appropriate, in planning and delivering the course.

If you would be interested in being paired with an LLF Companion, or with any other questions about Living in Love and Faith as a whole, please contact the Diocesan Advocate, Jonathan Kimber.

For any queries about the practicalities or administration of the Briefing events, please contact Training and Events Co-ordinator, Katie:

Further resources, including considerations to bear in mind when planning an LLF course group, are available on the relevant diocesan webpage -


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