Looking for a venue to hire in Worcestershire and Dudley?
Follow these simple steps using the A Church Near You website.
1. To find a venue for hire near you, head over to A Church Near You and type in your postcode.
2. In the box which says "Choir or disabled access", type in "Hall for Hire".
3. You can inlcude other search terms, such as "car park" and "free wifi".
4. Then just get in touch with the church to see if it suits your needs.
ACNY Editors
If you have access to edit your parish ACNY page, please make sure you have the "Hall for Hire" tag activiated. This can be found on the "Facilities" page, as well as any other relevant facilities and features your church has to offer.
Why not also create a new page dedicated to venue bookings - include an image, all the relevant information for potential bookers or perhaps a document to download which includes more detailed information.