All age / Intergenerational Worship

‘Intergenerational Worship’ means all generations young and old come together for worship, learning from and listening to each other.

Being an intergenerational church is a spiritual discipline as it requires a person to look beyond their own needs and towards another person’s needs. Children are encouraged to be the spiritual beings God has created them to be and we must learn from them as much as they learn from anyone else, along with adults building and deepening relationships together, who are more than a decade apart, this is intergenerational worship. This style of worship requires careful planning to create opportunities for people to learn from each other.

This style of worship is likely to be more interactive and various different mediums could be used including: drama, discussion, craft, videos, dance, music, games, food, quizzes, scripture, reading, and multi-sensory prayers. A good duration for this worship is 45 mins long.

‘Messy Church’

‘Messy Church’

A guide to help churches set up and run ‘Messy Church.’ Find out more.

‘Brick Church’

‘Brick Church’

A guide to help churches explore faith through Lego©. Find out more.

Forest / Outdoor Church

Forest / Outdoor Church

A guide to help churches set up and run outdoor worship for families. Find out more.

How to start Intergenerational worship service:

  • See getting started pages.
  • Take a look at some of the links provided to get an idea of how worship may look, especially the link for going for growth – more than worship.
  • Look at Spiritual styles (word, emotion, action, symbol) everyone is different, which could help create an inclusive act of worship.
  • A good duration for this worship is 45 mins long.

For more information visit:
Book: All-sorts Worship by Claire Benton-Evans

Page last updated: Tuesday 20th August 2024 3:23 PM
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