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Welland: St James


Address: Drake Street Welland Malvern WR13 6LP

Telephone Number: 01684 310783


Deanery: Malvern and Upton

Services and Events: View events on A Church Near You

St James, Welland is a friendly and welcoming church and active in reaching out to the local community.

For up to date details about our services please visit our group website We also have a local church website:

Although we are a parish in our own right, we share quite a lot of activities with St Gabriel's Church, Hanley Swan, and are also part of the wider grouping of Church of England parishes, the Hope Church Family. This means we do our best to support each other's events and share activities where it makes sense. This is particularly the case with what we do for young people. To find out more, please visit our Youth and Kids page..

Regular Pattern of Services

Our current service pattern provides for a mix of modern and traditional forms of worship.

Apart from Easter, Christmas and occasional special Sundays like Remembrance Sunday, our service pattern is as follows:

First Sunday of the Month                 No service at Welland, but please join us for Holy Communion at St Gabriel’s, Hanley Swan at 9:30am

Second Sunday of the Month           Morning Worship 11am

Third Sunday of the month              No service, why not join one of our other services, or join us online                         
                                                              at <span style="font-size: 1rem;"></span>

Fourth Sunday of the month           Holy Communion 11am

Fifth Sunday of the Month Benefice Service - see calendar.

On the first two Sundays of the month, we share our services with St Gabriel’s, Hanley Swan. In week 1 we go to them, in week 2, they join us. When we join St Gabriel’s their service is at 9:30am. Check the rota in the porch or on the St James Welland website for details.

If you have any concerns about the safety of a child or adult, please visit our safety page

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