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Find a church
Address: Upton Road Powick Worcester WR2 4QT
Contact: Contact Powick: St Peter
Telephone Number: (01905) 830270
Website: http://www.oldhillsmalvern.co.uk
Deanery: Malvern and Upton
We are a welcoming historic country church set midway between Malvern and Worcester. The church is approached by a long drive, and you will find the entrance on the Upton Road just down from the Red Lion Pub!
Further information and details of services can be found on the Old Hills Malvern website.
Sometimes you will find details of services copied to this ACNY website, for example see either the Notices and news or What's on in the Benefice pages shown in the sidebar if you are using a PC, or menu if you are using a smartphone
Click to go directly to the Diary page of the Old Hills website for the latest information about service times and other events.