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Address: Broadwaters Drive Broadwaters Kidderminster DY10 2RY
Contact: Contact Broadwaters: St Oswald
Telephone Number: 01562 75123
Deanery: Kidderminster and Stourport
Services and Events: View events on A Church Near You
The Kidderminster Ismere Parochial Church Council took the decision in November 2021 following discussions with the congregation that the process of closure for St Oswald's should begin. Due to the condition of the building we no longer meet at St Oswald's church and groups are no longer able to meet there either.
The Christian presence in Broadwaters has not left however and the congregation is still very much alive and well, meeting at our other parish churches. If you would like to enquire about the Christian faith or a Wedding, Christening or Funeral then contact the Parish Administrator on 01562 851744 or office@ismere.co.uk