As part of Christ Church Catshills 180thbirthday celebrations, couples had the chance to renew their marriage vowsduring a special service on Sunday 17th February 2019. An exhibitionof wedding dresses and photographs aged from the mid-twentieth century to thepresent day set the scene for this special service. Held in the church,visitors had the chance to view a variety of dresses ranging from a heavybrocade vintage dress from 1964, through to modern silk and satin dresses whichare popular in the twenty-first century. The dresses were accompanied bywedding photographs, bringing them to life. The church itself wasdecorated as it would usually be for a wedding, with flower arrangements andthe customary white vestments covering the altar.
The service was very well attended, withseveral couples renewing their vows, two of which had recently celebrated theirDiamond Anniversaries. All couples who took part received a certificate and aphotograph of them signing it to commemorate the day. Congregation members weretreated to tea, cake and fellowship after the service.
A Celebration of Life Service also formspart of the birthday plans and will celebrate all who have been baptised. Thisservice will take place on Sunday 24th March 2019 at 12 noon in thechurch. People will share photographs of themselves as babies during thisservice. Christ Church look forward to discovering who will be the oldest andthe youngest people to attend!
Further information about the birthday celebrations can be accessed on the following link: https://www.christchurchcatshill.org.uk/celebrating180yearsdiary.htm.