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Lent Appeal 2025: The Morogoro Bible College Scholarship Fund

Small group of students talking outside at the Morogoro bible collegeThis year’s Lent Appeal will be supporting the newly created Morogoro Bible College Scholarship Fund. This fund has been set up by members of our diocesan Morogoro Partnership group to support the costs of tuition and board for catechists, evangelists and pastors from the mission parishes across our link Diocese of Morogoro in Tanzania.

Staff from the Morogoro bible college standing together outsideMorogoro Bible College is the Anglican Training Centre for the Diocese of Morogoro.  It is situated on a small campus in Morogoro town at the foot of the Uluguru Mountains. The College has six staff members: Three full time, including the Revd Samuel Maduma who is the Principal and three other part-time staff. Four programmes are offered to 70 students with only two classrooms.  Two more are under construction, but the current economic climate has halted the work.

The Revd Katryn Leclezio visited the College when she was in Morogoro. She said:

People sat at desks in a classroom while a teacher writes on the white board at the front“Many students come from rural areas where they are involved in planting new churches in predominantly non-Christian areas.  They are required to pay their own fees from the lands which they till.  Drought caused by climate change over the last few years has made it increasingly difficult for students to pay sufficient for their education.”

The scholarship will pay towards part of what it costs per year.  Students in receipt of a scholarship will be evaluated according to need and be encouraged to contribute to the scholarship fund in the future.

 Bishop Martin said: “Through making even a small contribution to the cost of tuition and board for students in Morogoro, we can make a real difference to the numbers of people who are able to be trained. The college trains both lay and ordained ministers who can then go and share their faith and teach others after receiving a good biblical, theological and pastoral foundation. I hope you will consider donating to this year’s Lent Appeal.”People sat around a table studying in the library of the Morogoro Bible College

Cost of a one-year course at Morogoro Bible College:

  • Tuition fees approx: £370
  • Registration £15.50
  • Accommodation and meals: £130
  • Stationary: £30
  • Development Fund for minor repairs to the college intrastructure: £15.50
  • Medical: £60
  • Total amount: £621 per student (plus any travel costs for the students dependant on where they live)

You can contribute to this year’s Lent appeal by making a payment to the following account (please ensure the correct reference number is used):

Account Name: Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance Limited
Bank: Lloyds Bank – The Cross
Sort Code: 30 – 99 – 90
Account number: 02974040
Reference: 2160-MBIB

You can also send donations by cheque. Please make it payable to “Diocese of Worcester”, and ensure the same reference (2160-MBIB) is included either on the back of the cheque or on a covering letter so the contribution can be allocated correctly.

Or visit our Moroogoro online giving page (donations made on this page during Lent will be allocated to this appeal).

Download a flyer about the Morogoro Bible College

Some of the students of Morogoro Bible College include:

Mrs Kandida Madege

Kandida served in the church as a church secretary for 6 years before. Joining the one-year theology course in 2018. She served at  Mwolemu church in Mikumi parish (one of the mission parishes of the Diocese) for one year and the returned to study theology at Mororogo Bible College for three years, finishing this in 2023. She is now studying at diploma level, but is struggling to pay her fees due to family issues.

Richard Simbeye

Richard has grown up with a Muslim Mother and a Christian Father, choosing to attend a Christian Church and becoming confirmed in 2016. In 2019 he became the catechist of his church and served until 2021 when he joined Morogoro Bible Studies. His Mother has died leaving behind two younger siblings which Richard is responsible for, which means he struggles to find the money for his fees.

Watch Bishop Martin talk about the appeal in his Lent Message:


Published: 3rd March 2025
Page last updated: Tuesday 4th March 2025 10:27 PM

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