Last Sunday, a new 75” TV screen was installed at St Peter’s Church in Martley, made possible thanks to a grant from the Kingdom People Fund.
The parish received £1000 towards the cost of the television which will be used in more informal services as well as for community events, particularly when schools come into church.
Mike Cartledge said: “The television was unveiled to the congregation and we all joined in the singing of the first verse of the hymn which happened to be displayed – ‘Lord of all hopefulness’. However, the TV will really begin to have an impact next week when it will be used to illustrate the series of Lent talks titled ‘Christianity in the Workplace’. It will also be used by the schools when they come into church and for our monthly ‘Café Church’ services.
We are very grateful to the Kingdom Fund for enabling us to purchase the TV and intend to upgrade our audio system shortly to broaden still further the ways in which we can proclaim the Good News in our local community.”
All parishes are eligible to apply for a grant of up to £1000 from the Kingdom People Fund for any projects linked to our vision to grow as Kingdom People. Find out more on this webpage.